Hi! During the last lessons we have been investigating about ourselves as well as our class mates, about what does google know about us so that we become responsible internet users.
We have split up in couples so that one pair investigates about the other, as in my last work I've worked with
Ángela and we have searched information related to Ana C. and Raquel M.
1] what can I find about my classmates?
Raquel M.
-Old instagram account whith photos of both family and friends
-Ask account whith lots of personal information.
-Actual instagram account whith photos.
-Twitter account whith information.
-Blogger account related to her studies.
Ana C.
-3 different facebook accounts
she owns and some photos.
-Youtube account whith some information about her and a photo.
-Blogger account related to her studies and whith some personal information.
-Even though we aren't allowed to write the full name we have found another girl whith the same name and surnames whith several social accounts such as twitter,instagram...
2]What do others see about you on the internet?
-Thanks to this job you can become more aware of how much can anyone know about you just by searching on the internet and the consequences that can have.
-I didn't find any information about my self on the internet appart from my blog which is not related to my full name and surname.
3]What does Google know about me?
On this web page (link on the title) you, previously logged on your google account , will find all the information that Google knows about you but is only avalible for you to consult.
-In my case I found:
-Two usual places I visit and one of my holiday trips.(google maps)
- The searches and webpages I enter to.(google server)
-Devices on which I've logged into my google profile.(G-mail)
4]Let's control what Google knows about us
After looking at all the information in the link
you can change some of it and if you want to look for more try on this other web page:
about me google.
Thank you for looking at my blog, and see you soon!!